Case Study: Country Arts WA

Case Study: Country Arts WA

Country Arts WA delivers extensive state and national touring programs, arts development programs, strategic projects, and manages devolved funding on behalf of the State and Federal Governments – this includes funding for arts projects, support for key regional arts organisations, regional artists, Aboriginal arts, and culture and youth specific programs. Established in 1994, Country Arts WA is a not-for-profit, regionally governed, and membership-based organisation.

Working in such a vast environment, with potentially limitless scope, Country Arts WA identifies a focus region and targets resources to build capacity in that designated region.

Recognised as a lead organisation within the arts, Country Arts WA is the peak Western Australian body for regional arts and culture, and a member of Regional Arts Australia – a national network with deductible gift recipient (DGR) status.


Building creativity, capacity, and connection in and between remote and regional communities.

Country Arts WA believes the success of building awareness and creativity of the arts is the result of numerous well-considered approaches; such as fostering creativity, growth, and resilience in regional communities, as well as using diverse approaches, encouraging cultural connectedness and innovation with accessibility and empowerment in mind.

In working closely with regional Western Australian communities, Country Arts WA develops, funds, and facilitates short and long-term community arts development initiatives, and plays a vital advocacy role for regional arts and culture.


Arts and culture is woven into the fabric of every regional community in Western Australia.

Country Arts WA has a vision: by 2020, regional arts communities’ network reach and capacity will be strong, regional arts policy will be respected and firmly on the agenda of all levels of government, and arts and culture will be contributing to individual, economic, and social development of regional communities.


  • Celebration
  • Excellence
  • Sustainability
  • Diversity

Board of Directors and staff

The Country Arts WA team is showcased on its website. Browse and read about the team of people who manage Country Arts WA:



Country Arts WA networks in the regions

As Country Arts is a regionally focused organisation, its website showcases its members and networks and activities and events which may include tours, programs or professional development in the regions through the section titled Our Networks.

To just find out about events in regions and see what is happening around the state organised by Country Arts WA and its members go to the What’s On section of the website:


There is a members directory on the Country Arts WA website which shows members in each region.


Country Arts WA services include: Advocacy, Initiatives, Funding and Touring projects

As the peak body for regional arts in Western Australia, advocacy is a key role that Country Arts WA performs for its members, the arts and community development industries and regional communities. Find out more about the SERVICES Country Arts WA offers HERE.