2024 Touring Mentorship Program

May 21, 2024

Would you or anyone you know be interested in developing touring skills? CircuitWest’s Touring Mentorship Program is open to WA artists, producers and arts professionals interested in touring. Successful applicants will participate in three interactive online sessions over a week and develop skills relevant to building, funding, and delivering successful tours. CircuitWest’s tour coordinators will be your mentors for these sessions.

Please note that to qualify for this program, you must

  • possess a background in performing arts;
  • be willing to attend all three sessions.

Individuals currently enrolled in a tertiary-level performance arts course are also eligible and will be considered.

program dates
  • DAY 1: Tuesday 11 June 2024, 10 am-midday
  • DAY 2: Wednesday 12 June 2024, 10 am-midday
  • DAY 3: Thursday 13 June 2024, 10 am-midday
program overview
  • Idea Development
  • Budgeting and Scheduling Negotiations
  • Funding
  • Agreements
  • Tour Coordination
  • Presentation
  • Reviewing and Acquittals

Applications will close on COB Thursday, 30 May 2024. Applications will be assessed by the CircuitWest team, with successful applicants notified by COB on Monday, 3 June 2024.

If you have any inquiries about this program, kindly contact Maddie at myoung@circuitwest.com.au.

Submit your application