The Connection Project Fortnight Two
The Connection Project is an opportunity to stop, be present and find your feet for a moment.
An invitation to connect both as a Big Zoom Group and within Small Zoom Groups, with the aim of helping you to build a foundation to find your centre and navigate this time in a way that is meaningful and connected.
In our shared moments, we will guide you to reflect on your personal, and your communities’ response to the changes occurring in the Western Australian Arts world right now.
In Fortnight Two, we invite you to join us to connect and develop skills for unpacking stress and coping responses to the crisis. With the support of psychologists, we’ll share key psychological concepts and strategies that help bring awareness to our current state and open options for skill development and growth.
This fortnight’s Big Zoom Meeting will be on the 23rd April at 11am. The topic is
WHAT’S THAT? – The Stress -Vulnerability Model
A conversational and practical exploration of the relationship between stress and coping
Our Small Zoom Group Sessions are over the week 27th April – 1st of May. The small groups will expand and personalise the Big Zoom session, helping you to:
Map your Stress Bucket and Know Your Overflow.
Details for logging on to the Big Zoom are:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 920 7774 The Connection Project – Fortnight 2
When: Thursday, 23 April 2020 at 11:00 am – 12:00 pm.
Password: 026733
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Meeting ID: 920 7774 3453
Password: 026733
Details for logging in to a Small group session are:
Been to a small group session? We ask you to book into the same session time and with the same Psychologist each week.
New to small group sessions? we ask you to book a session time and Psychologist who you aim to stick with each fortnight, as the small groups will work better in that way.
Bookings are open now for small sessions at this link:
Once you have booked we will send you an ZOOM link for that session and an Agreement we need you to return.