The Connection Project

April 5, 2020


At this time partnership and collaboration is needed more than ever, this is why CircuitWest and Perth Festival are coming together to provide “The Connection Project”.  The diversity of our Western Australian sector is huge from technicians to regional venues, artists to arts managers. We recognize we play a role in connecting us all and that by coming together our organisations can provide the program to the widest possible reach for the sector.

This project is a response to COVID-19 and its associated challenges and stress that aims to support you through this period of time. The project will last for three months at this stage as we realise the state of the world changes each day.

On Zoom each fortnight three outstanding psychologists, will unpack the psychological responses that we may be experiencing, how they affect us, and how to understand them. We also invite you to join a series of small group sessions each fortnight with one of the psychologists to unpack what was discussed in the large group and provide a place for connection and sharing.

More Information on our key psychologists please visit

Adrian  Schonfeld

Sarah Borg

Shona Erskine

Our first large group session will be at 11am on the 9th April 2020 via Zoom. The panel will answer a series of questions for the first twenty minutes and after that the session will be open to answering your questions. A series times and psychologists will then be advertised for small group sessions and you will be asked to self-select these, whilst making a commitment to stick with them. Both of these programs are open to anyone in the Western Australian sector.

Details for logging on to our large group session are:

Meeting ID: 973 838 369

One tap mobile
+61370182005,,973838369# Australia
+61871501149,,973838369# Australia

Dial by your location
+61 3 7018 2005 Australia
+61 8 7150 1149 Australia
+61 2 8015 6011 Australia
Meeting ID: 973 838 369

CircuitWest and Perth Festival will also be providing a Forum/Discussion Board  This forum will be a place to discuss Mental Health and Wellbeing alongside other topics like HR, Stimulus Packages, OH&S, Working from Home. You can check out the link and if a Forum and Topics and new ones as you like. The site does require logging and will be moderated.

There is no cost to be a part of “The Connection Project” or to use the Forums.

To register for the forum click here 

To visit the forum and sign in click here 

We hope that you will be able to join us as part of our large group and a small group session or by using the Forums.