“A Magical Guide to Fighting Fascism” is a fascinating story based on historical events – the Chilean dictatorship, the Jewish diaspora in the UK, and the second generation Australian experience. Told in three languages with an AV design that weaves surtitles into the performance to create easy understanding, audiences of all backgrounds are sure to be transported to 1970’s Chile, 2000’s Australia, and modern day Scotland as they follow our protagonists: three women on epic journeys across the globe to uncover the truth, three women who use music, culture, mythology, and magic to survive.
The five performers (four actors and one live musician) exhibit an impressive display of skills as they multi-role and flow between delicate monologues, cutting satire, and spell-binding song – all whilst operating a complex and magical display of lights on stage to create the atmosphere key to the show. Audiences who value the unique charm of live performance will adore this piece which puts women at the heart of the story, celebrates the resilience of the human spirit, and shows that through the darkness, there is always light.