Volunteer Survey Template

Research, Templates, Venue Operations
Surveying your volunteers on an annual basis is vital to ensuring Volunteer retention and satisfaction. Below is a simple survey template to customise to your venue. A workable word version of the template is attached below. You may also wish to consider using an online survey tool to make data collection easier. Many tools such as Survey Monkey offer a flexible and affordable survey tool.

Simple Survey Template

Each year we conduct a short survey to help us improve our Volunteer Program. We’d love it if you could take some time to answer as many questions as you can. There are 15 questions in all. All answers remain confidential Q1: What position did you carry out for Xxxxx Venue? (You can select more than one) List of positions Q2: How many shifts (average shift being 4 hours) were you rostered for (and fulfilled) during the year or event? Choice of numbers from 1 to over 20 Q3: What were the reasons that you decided to volunteer for Xxxx Venue? Free space to enter text Q4: What did you most enjoy about volunteering for Xxxx Venue? Free space to enter text Q5: Did you experience any unexpected benefits from volunteering for Xxxxx Venue? If so, please describe. Free space to enter text Q6: How satisfied were you with your experience as a volunteer for Xxxxx Venue? Choice from Not to Very satisfied Q7: How satisfied were you with the level of induction and training you received prior starting your position? Choice from Not to Very satisfied Please explain your choice? Free space to enter text. Q8: Were you provided with a clear Position Description, or outline of what was expect from you? YES/NO Q9: Did your direct supervisor provide adequate support? YES/NO Q10: Did he/she make you feel like a valuable member of the team?  Free space to enter text. Q11: Did you feel that your efforts were being/have been recognized and appreciated? YES/NO Q12: Did you receive recognition and/or non-financial benefits for your service? If so, what was it? Free space to enter text. Q13: Was that recognition/benefit you received sufficient? YES/NO Q14: Do you have any suggestions about how we can improve the Volunteer Program? Free space to enter text. Q15: Do you have any other comments about your experience as a volunteer for Xxxxxx Venue? Free space to enter text. *This article was developed by AudienceConnect, which is one of the key outcomes of the CircuitWest Audience Development Project which was funded by Lotterywest and managed by Country Arts WA.