Is There Anybody Out There?

From Disney to grizzly, a roller coaster through the highs, the lows, and the thrills and chills of falling in love in our modern world.

WA’s been asking, and we’ve answered. The Actors’ Hub Studios Inc. is excited to invite you to our special event of “Is There Anybody Out There?” scheduled specifically for West Australian venues in town for WA Showcase.

ONE NIGHT ONLY. Sunday the 30th of July at 129 Kensington Street East Perth.

Set in a preschool classroom, six parents meet to rehearse a performance for the kids; the age-old story of ‘Tristan and Isolde’. But when one of them arrives unexpectedly with their 5-year-old son ‘Sammy’ following an argument at home, the themes of the play are put to the test and the group get into a heated argument about princesses and heroes, gender roles, violence, and what it means to fall in love in our modern world… all while Sammy sits quietly, absorbing it all.

Is There Anybody Out There? aims to start the conversation about the uprising of domestic violence in our culture and asks the question: Does romantic love even exist and are we setting up our children for failure?

Form and Style

Where Verbatim Theatre meets Physical Theatre.

Is There Anybody OutThere? uses quick and witty verbatim dialogue to speak to the human cost of family violence, and visually captivating and adept physical theatre to keep the show highly engaging for an audience to make their way through the difficult subject of violence in our homes.

No-one ever really knows what happens behind closed doors until it’s too late. Our performers offer diverse perspectives, skillfully blending entertainment and truth. Swinging between the thrills and chills of romantic love to the violence and abuse that lies beneath.

Audiences are invited into a warm, vibrant school library, as parents rehearse the age old tale of ‘Tristan and Isolde’, before being plunged into an icy bath of hard hitting facts, statistics, and recounts of the violent epidemic that’s infiltrated Australian homes.

From classic whimsical fairytales of the past, to the bare boned, bloody knuckled reality of the modern day, Is There Anybody Out There? opens the door and exposes the ugly truth that is romantic love in our culture.

Community Engagement

Building a unique personalised experience for each audience member begins long before any performance. This is achieved through a series of online posts to encourage interaction leading up to the show, in-person opportunities to connect before it, and a series of pre and post show foyer activities that provide ‘on-ramps’ and ‘off ramps’ to the content. As well as the opportunity to join a much larger Australia wide conversation by recording their thoughts straight to the camera.

Online Content:

We have developed a series of auspicious marketing tools to help venues promote the show which include, amongst other things, cast and crew interviews, online conversation starters around the issues explored and footage from the ongoing conversation to camera.

In-Person Workshops and Meet-and-Greets:

The Actors’ Hub Studios Inc is committed to getting involved with the communities that we visit. We offer opportunities to meet with local schools or youth groups with a forum theatre experience that helps them to get involved with conversations on the content of the show. We also offer opportunities for post show Q&As with the cast and the chance to mingle with the cast after each show.

On-ramps and Off-ramps:

The foyer includes many interactive stations for patrons to engage with as soon as they step through the doors. These stations are designed to break the ice and stimulate thinking around the issues presented in the show.

Audiences can participate in a romantic love quiz on a digital screen – allowing them to share and compare their results with one another, choose from a range of “Which Disney princess/prince are you?”, and battle it out in a love themed boardgame. After the show cast and crew mingle with the audience, furthering the conversation, and interviewing audience members who want to add their voice to an Australia wide conversation.


“The actors brought this to life in such a sensitive and compelling way … a powerful, powerful show…I think if I had watched this when I was 17, I actually know it would have made a difference to my life. And so this ambition to have it out at all schools and have young people as well as older people talking about this, I think is really what’s needed. The work that they are doing here is so important, so important, and will make a real difference to people’s lives.”

– Testimonial: Hon. Dr Anne Aly (Minister for Childhood Education and Youth, Ambassador for Is There Anybody Out There)

“Having The Actors’ Hub in the Ravensthorpe region has had a lasting impact on the community. The way they came to the school had a massive impact on the attendance of students and their families at the performance. We had doctors, health professionals and teachers in attendance and the way The Actors’ Hub initiated the conversation allowed it to expand and continue and gave us a lasting conversation in our community. ”

– Testimonial: Ainsley Foulds. Rave About Arts. Blind Eye Trilogy Supporter

“You and your colleagues portrayed the lived experiences of so many throughout the performances. It’s a collective acknowledgement to all past and present people touched by societal constructs of violence… It’s about stopping generational trauma and becoming good societal bystanders … Starting conversations to build safer future communities.”

– Audience Testimonial

Available Marketing Collaterals

At the Actors’ Hub Studios Inc. we ensure each venue is provided with auspicious marketing materials to use, as the audience’s experience is at the heart of what we do.

This includes a variety of captured audience interviews taken after performances of the show where individuals share their experience of the show and contribute their thoughts to the ongoing conversation, teasers and trailers featuring snippets from the show – giving audiences a taste of what they can expect, video shorts featuring the writer/director and cast, rehearsal and performances images of the cast and creative team in action or behind the scenes, a production prospectus and marketing toolkit for venues to utilise, #MenAreFromMarsWomenAreFromVenus-like interactive questions for use on social media and online audience engagement, statistics, facts and support material relating to romantic love and domestic violence, and more.


The Actors’ Hub Studios is a not-for-profit organisation focussed on creating diverse, high impact, honest theatre and film that champions the uniquely Australian voice.

With an insatiable desire to engage and connect we:

  • Provide a safe forum to explore topical issues where communication is key
  • Create experiences tailorable to the needs of the facilitator – Your experience is our focus
  • Start the conversation – we are there to listen and dive deep into all possible perspectives
  • Provide auspicious marketing tools to help you promote

Our aim is to take care of your experience.

Writer/Director and Studios President, Amanda Crewes, graduated from WAAPA in 1998 (BA). Following a successful career, she established The Actors’ Hub and The Actors’ Hub Studios Inc. The Actors’ Hub Studios Inc. team has been working together and touring Australia since 2018 on projects such as the ‘Blind Eye Trilogy’. Over that time we have worked with White Ribbon Australia, Collective Shout, Shire of Esperance, Pat Cronin Foundation, Shire of Moora, Circuit West, Fortescue Metals Group, Rave About Arts, Stop One Punch Can Kill, Theatre Works, Department of Local Government Support and Cultural Industries, City of Karratha, Harvey Recreation Centre, WA Italian Club, Curtin University.


2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, and onwards


Theatre and Puppetry


Men and women 15-40, families - parents with younger children (15+) high school students, teachers. Survivors of domestic violence and their supports networks (having been prepared for the content of the show) A large number of families (parents and young children) have used Is There Anybody Out There? as a safe forum to discuss these themes and issues with their children, outlining 'red flag' behaviours and encouraging healthy family and community values.


90 minutes

Bump In

4 hours

Bump Out

2 hours


Weekly Fee: $22,000.00
Royalties: 10%

Company Contacts

Contact Name: Amanda Crewes

Tell me more


Venue Format

Proscenium arch, Black box, Thrust, Flat/hall

Touring Party



Maximum performances a week: 10

Does this show require a remount? No

First Possible Performance: 2 hours after bump in

Minimum Break Between Shows: 2 hours

Minimum stage dimensions: 6.5m Width X 6.5m Length X 4m Height

Staging and Set Description: 

The set is constructed to give the impression of a kindergarten classroom or school library. It is bright, warm, colourful and welcoming, utilising a pastel palette of pink, yellow and blue. There are a series of wooden boxes, positioned in a semi-circle and tapering in height with the tallest at the centre. The walls are decorated with posters depicting disney-esque romantic couples. The centre of the stage features a classroom table surrounded by 6 chairs which actors use in various ways throughout the performance. The set is adaptable and alternative stagings of the play have been done to meet the demands of the space provided.

Lighting requirements:

General whitewash face light with opportunity to throw colour, (occasional strobe effect if possible) memory console, minimum 36-channel lx rig. Design provided by company.

Audio requirements:  

Audio requirements – to be provided by venue: Mixer with mini jack input, venue FOH speakers, Small on-stage speaker with input at FOH SM position. Design provided by company.