Money Matters For The Performing Arts

There is no single budget format that will cover all project eventualities, but the supplied worksheets and resources are a good start and have the added advantage of complying with most major arts funding guidelines.

Grant Acquittals – A Good One

Grant Acquittals should be viewed as the first step in your next grant application. A well written, honest evaluation and report of your funded project will go a long way to building your relationship with a funding body and providing a good foundation for the next application you submit.

Budgeting for Events and Budget Template

There is no single budget format that will cover all project eventualities, but the supplied worksheet is a good start and has the added advantage of complying with most major arts funding guidelines.

Cost of Sales and ROMI

A worksheet to assist with Cost of Sales and Return of Marketing Investment (ROMI) calculations.

Revenue Forecast Template

Use this template to assist with your Revenue Forecasts. The spreadsheet includes consideration of factors such as capacity, ticket types or seating arrangements.