Grant Acquittals – A Good One

Grant Acquittals should be viewed as the first step in your next grant application. A well written, honest evaluation and report of your funded project will go a long way to building your relationship with a funding body and providing a good foundation for the next application you submit.

Clean Data – Why

Customer data is valuable because it enables you to contact people directly in the future, to tell them about events they may be interested to attend.

Customer Frequency: What Is It? Why Is It Important?

The term CUSTOMER FREQUENCY describes the pattern of attendance across your database, or how often customers attend. It’s to your advantage to know how many times, on average, your customers have attended in the past.

Segmenting your Audience for Direct marketing

The more you can speak in language that directly appeals to your customer, the more likely they will be to respond. Ideally, we’d write individually to each person, using what we know about them to personalise the content and style of the communication. Obviously we can’t do that, so segmentation is the next best thing.

Managing Volunteers

Volunteers can play an important role in the effective running of a venue. To ensure both volunteers and the venue benefit from volunteering, certain procedures and policies should be adopted by the venue.